Fashion Reimagined

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BBFC Ratingf-rated FilmFashion Reimagined

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Director(s)Becky Hutner
CountryUnited Kingdom
Running Time1HR 40MINS
Season Main Programme
Audio Accessible

Trailblazing fashion designer Amy Powney is on a mission to create a sustainable collection from field to finished garment and transform the way we engage with fashion.

Raised off-the-grid in rural England by activist parents, Amy has always felt uneasy about the devastating environmental impact of her industry. When she wins the coveted Vogue award for the Best Young Designer of the Year, which comes with a big cash prize, Amy decides to use the money to create a sustainable collection from field to finished garment, and transform her entire business.

Over the following three years, her own personal revolution becomes the precursor of a much bigger, societal change.

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