Queerious: I've Heard the Mermaids Singing

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BBFC Ratingf-rated FilmQueerious: I've Heard the Mermaids Singing

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GenreComedy, Drama
Director(s)Patricia Rozema
Writer(s)Patricia Rozema
Running Time1HR 21MINS

Beginning with a 4K restoration of Patricia Rozema's I've Heard the Mermaids Singing, Birds Eye View’s Queerious programme will explore a multitude of desires on screen in ways we all too rarely see in cinema.

Opening with a video-recorded confession from Polly, a secretary, this comedy tells of her voyeuristic fascination for her new boss, the ambitious Gabrielle, owner of an art gallery. The two women are like night and day - the new temp is absent-minded and innocent beyond her years with spiky orange hair and the curator bourgeois, polished and with a gift for gab - yet a strong connection builds through their shared love of art, curiosity and appetite for love.

Directed by Patricia Rozema (Mouthpiece), a significant player in the Toronto New Wave, I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing is a playful, humorous and complex look at the many different kinds of desire and admiration between women.

Reclaim the Frame brings a broader perspective of the world by championing cinema by women & non-binary filmmakers. Run by Birds’ Eye View, a charity with a mission to advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion in film by fostering a community for those who make, show, release and watch them.

To learn more, become an Advocate and join the #ReclaimTheFrame mission to receive free cinema tickets and discount codes go to Bit.ly/BEVRTF. Supported by BFI’s Audience Fund.

Queerious is part of Film Feels Curious, a UK-wide cinema season, supported by the National Lottery and BFI Film Audience Network. Explore all films and events at filmfeels.co.uk.

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