In Dreams Are Monsters: LUMI's Trick or Treat Mystery Screening

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BBFC RatingIn Dreams Are Monsters: LUMI's Trick or Treat Mystery Screening

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There is s’more to life than playing it safe – so join QFT’s young programmers as they take you on a horrifying thrill ride with a mystery movie that will scramble your brains.

Supported by Queen's Accommodation, each attendee will receive a complimentary pic ‘n’ mix to help you on your journey along the rocky road.

Directed by [REDACTED] and starring [ssshhh...] this mystery movie has been chosen by LUMI to offer you something sinister to sink your teeth into this Halloween. Take a chance with us, if you dare. Costumes encouraged!

LUMI is QFT’s free membership scheme for film fans aged 26 or under. Join LUMI today for £4.50 cinema tickets anytime, members only screenings and loyalty points.

Screening as part of In Dreams Are Monsters: A Season of Horror Films, a UK-wide film season supported by the National Lottery and BFI Film Audience Network.


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