
This is a past event

BBFC RatingWalled Cities: Cinearch Studio Exhibition

CertificateNot Rated

From 6-27 April, we'll be partnering with the School of Natural and Built Environment to showcase CineArch Studio Exhibition: From Film Analysis to Architectural Design, part of Walled Cities 4.

CineArch is the design studio of the new MSc Advanced Architectural Design programme at Queen's University Belfast. This year between September-December 2021, CineArch students designed a Weddings & Funerals building in Belfast, incorporating new media technologies to their design processes.

The building they have designed provides a space for secular ceremonies for all members of the society including minorities. As part of the project, students analysed notable fiction films and made animations/short films to inform their design. Working with Software Engineering students, they have also developed VR and AR Apps for an interactive and immersive virtual experience of all the buildings with a headset.

The exhibition opening takes place at QFT on 6 April 2022 following the screening and discussion of the opening Walled Cities film, Giraffada, with an opening speech from Prof Chris Johnson, the Pro Vice Chancellor, Engineering and Physical Sciences.

Design Tutors: Dr Gul Kacmaz Erk, Pat Wheeler (ALW Architects), Ece Sila Bora Advanced Architectural Design Students: Aishwarya Jaswal, Sejin Kwon, Stuart Petticrew, Adela Vagova.

This exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Miroslava Vymetalova.

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Walled Cities: Giraffada

Screening as part of Walled Cities 4, Giraffada is a unique portrayal of childhood under occupation. Includes a post-screening discussion.

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