This is a past event
With their regular nights in the Crescent Arts Centre on hold, the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen’s are taking the show online for a special virtual get-together, with special guests Joe Holtaway and Robyn Hitchcock. Watch here.
Featuring poetry, prose, and song from far-flung Fellows and friends, joining us from New York, Trinidad, Nashville, and even east Belfast. HELP! is hosted by Glenn Patterson. The lineup features poetry and prose from Nick Laird, Lucy Caldwell, Vahni Capildeo, Susannah Dickey, and Leontia Flynn.
With a special contribution from Robyn Hitchcock, and the premiere of a short film and original song by Joe Holtaway, in collaboration with Southwark Day Care Centre for Asylum Seekers and ConsciousFilmCo.
For the complete 'SHC Presents' experience, find The Seamus Heaney Centre on Spotify for another of Michael Staley's specially themed playlists.
In late 2019 to early 2020, poetry students from the Seamus Heaney Centre were invited to make new works in response to the Changing Views exhibition at the Ulster Museum.