Showing: 30 March 2025
Baby Pictures is our weekly morning film slot exclusively for carers with little ones aged twelve months and under. This week, the salvation of a local nursing home is in the hands of a group of nuns and their cycling abilities.
When the local nursing home finds itself in dire straits and in danger of falling to pieces, it’s down to Mother Veronique (Valérie Bonneton) and the five eccentric sisters of the convent of St. Benedict to find a way to help.
Spotting a poster for a bike race with a €25,000 cash prize (and the incentive of a trip to the Vatican for the winner!), the sisters might just have their answer. The only drawbacks are that they are terrible cyclists, and their rival convent, led by Mother Veronique’s childhood rival Mother Josephine (Sidse Babett Knudsen), have their own plans for the prize money - and just a little more experience…but God works in mysterious ways.
Fun and frothy, Laurent Tirard’s hilariously absurd comedy will have you rolling in the aisles, and the stunning landscapes of France’s Jura region provide a beautiful backdrop too!
Baby Pictures is open to carers and little ones of twelve months and under. As everyone in the cinema is a parent or carer, there’s no need to worry if it gets a little noisy. Everyone understands. Customers not accompanying a baby will be turned away.
The lights are turned up a little bit and the sound is a little softer to create a peaceful environment for you and the baby. It’s just for carers (Mum, Dad, Granny, Granda, whoever it is it looking after the tot) and babies. Up to two adults can come with a baby. Please note: we cannot allow babies over the age of 12 months to come to Baby Pictures.
If you have any questions about Baby Pictures, please get in touch on
Baby Pictures is supported by Film Hub NI.
When the local nursing home finds itself in dire straits and in danger of falling to pieces, it’s down to Mother Veronique (Valérie Bonneton) and the five eccentric sisters of the convent of St. Benedict to find a way to help.