To the Cinema! QFT Reopens Monday 24th May
18 May 2021
It's been a loooong five months but we're getting ready to open back up. We want to make sure you have the most up to date information about how QFT will be operating when we open back up again. Read on to find out more.

If you’re part of one of our membership schemes, keep an eye on your inbox for tickets going on sale. If you’re not, now is a brilliant time to join. QFT Community is completely free to join, as is LUMI if you’re 26 or under.
As we gear up to open again, we've been reviewing all of the changes we made last year to reduce the risk of COVID-19 at QFT. Your wellbeing remains our number one priority. Tied, of course, with brilliant films.
Reducing the risk of COVID-19 at QFT is a team effort, so we wanted to keep you informed of what we’re doing to reduce risk in the current pandemic, and what you can do to help us.
Here’s what we're doing to welcome you back
Social distancing
We’ve carried out a full assessment of our space and will be implementing various measures to ensure there is a safe distance between household groups in the cinema. Cinemas operate at 1m social distancing. This includes floor markings, new queuing systems, and a new dynamic form of allocated seating.
Reduced capacity
We have reduced the capacity within our screens, by installing a new dynamic form of allocated seating that will block out seats to either side of your booking.
Following the announcement from the Northern Ireland Executive on Mon 27th Septmeber 2021 regarding social distancing, we have been reviewing our social distancing measures and planning the next step for our return to full capacity.
In line with official guidance, from Fri 1 October, we will reduce our social distancing in our screens from two seats on either side of a booking to one seat. We will also make the seats in front and behind a booking available. At this time we will not be asking for proof of vaccination status or a negative lateral flow test. We will regularly review these measures.
These changes will come into effect on Fri 1 Oct for all screenings from that date, with additional seats being made available on Friday for sold out screenings happening in October.
Please note: Screenings taking place during November as part of Belfast Film Festival will be full capacity with no seating gaps.
Staggered screening times
We’ll be staggering our screening times to ensure people can exit and enter the cinema without any build up of traffic in the cinema at any one time. This will also provide more time for thorough cleaning between screenings.
Hand sanitising stations
We’ve installed new hand sanitising stations in the cinema for our staff and customers.
Enhanced cleaning regime
We’re increasing our cleaning regime to ensure high touch points are regularly disinfected. We've extended the break between films in order to ensure the screens are clean thoroughly after each screening.
Staff practising good hand hygiene
In addition to our hand sanitising stations staff will also be mindful of practising good hand hygiene; washing their hands for at least 20 seconds in accordance with advice from the Public Health Authority.
Staff will be provided with PPE where deemed necessary in accordance with PHA guidelines, or as requested by individual staff members.
Test and Trace
We will be asking all customers to provide their name and contact details in order to help the NHS Test and Trace scheme. You will be sent a survey before your visit to complete or you can scan a QR code when you arrive in venue. There will be a written form in venue for anyone unable to complete the digital form. These details will be held securely and destroyed 21 days after your visit. Find out more in our Privacy Notice.
Here’s what you can do to help us out
Book online in advance
We are recommending everyone book online. Our capacities are much reduced so booking online should help prevent disappointment and will help us know full capacities in the cinema and allow us to participate in the NHS Test and Track scheme. You can still book in person at the cinema but lots of our screenings are selling out.
Pay using card or gift card in our venue
We won’t be accepting cash payments during our initial opening period. Please pay using credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or with a QFT gift card.
Please wear a face covering
Please wear a face covering in the building, unless exempt. Face coverings can be removed when seated. We trust our customers to follow this guidance and we trust that customers without masks are exempt.
Don't come if you're unwell
If you’re experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not come to the cinema. We will be able to refund you if you contact us 48 hours prior to your screening, or we will be able to offer you an exchange beyond that point. Just email us on
Follow social distancing guidelines
Please respect the social distancing measures we put in place throughout the cinema.
Practise good hand hygiene
Please make use of our hand sanitising stations and make sure to regularly wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in accordance with PHA guidelines.
We'll be reviewing our measures on a weekly basis to make sure we're responding to the best public health advice as well as our customers' needs. We will notify customers of any major changes.
The best way to keep up-to-date with our plans is to become a member, whether that’s a free QFT Community or LUMI membership or our classic QFT Member package.
If you have any questions, including around membership and gift vouchers , please check out our Re-opening FAQs or contact us on